23 Pine Ridge Crescent

Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6N9


Lorne Derkatch

Lorne Derkatch

August 4, 2024 Legendary Achievement Award

Lorne Derkatch

In 1940, Lorne was born to Roy and Sophie Derkatch on a farm in the Rural Municipality of Silver Creek near Silver Beach Summer Resort, located approximately 8 miles north of the town of Angusville, Manitoba, on the southwestern edge of the Riding Mountain National Park. 

At the age of 7, Lorne received his first guitar and played at his third school Christmas concert at the age of 8.

Lorne's dad played violin, so he and Lorne had quite a few musical sessions. In early years, Lorne played with several bands. These were the Western Swing Kings from Angusville, Manitoba. In Saskatchewan, he played with a wedding dance band, Bill Minuk from Endeavour, Saskatchewan. In later years in Manitoba, Lorne played with the gospel band High Ridge Country with which he recorded his first CD. Lorne also had the pleasure of playing with the following bands, HWY6, The Country Stars Band, the Ukrainian Echoes, Agin’ in Time band, the Old Time Band, Southern Comfort Band, Wild Ridge Band and the two bands he still plays with, The Fraser River Boys and Ukie Fusion Band.

Lorne retired from the Animal Nutrition business and lives in Steinbach, Manitoba. Sadly, his wife Shirley, of 59 years, passed away in 2022. They have two children, a son, Dale and a daughter, Dena, both married. Lorne has seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

During COVID-19. His late wife and him recorded two CD's, one with gospel songs and one with country songs. Lorne also recorded a fiddle instrumental CD. He calls these his COVID-19 production CDs. 

In a spare time, he entertains at care homes and senior centres as well as other functions.

Occasionally, with his grandchildren he has musical sessions! Hopefully his musical talents will continue far into the future.


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