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Museum For One And All
The Ukrainian Musicians Hall of Fame
displays rare photos, instruments once owned by the greats such as Jim Gregrash, Mickey Sheppard, Peter Lamb, Steve Myk, Al Cherney, Peter Hnatiuk
and many more.
But beyond the famous faces of the superstars are the lesser known musicians who served as the session players, and house bands whose sound made hit recordings possible.
As much as the stars, U.M.A.
Honours the memories and contributions of the obscure artists as well.
Nestled on the hills of the Riding Mountain National Park
in the Selo Village, Dauphin, Manitoba
is the “Ukrainian Musicians Hall Of Fame”. Open during Canada's National Ukrainian Festival and during the summer months the museum welcomes everyone to visit the memories presented within.
Ukrainian Musicians Hall of Fame
– Opened in May 2010, the Ukrainian Musicians Hall of Fame
has found a home in Rhodes Hall
in the Heritage Village at Selo Ukraina. Celebrating Ukrainian
musicians locally and across Canada, a stroll through the displays will take you back in time and bring a whole new
appreciation for the music and the artists who create it.
Українські Музиканти Зал слави - відкрився в травні 2010 року, українські Музиканти Зал слави знайшов
удома в Родос зал в селі спадщини в село Україна. Святкування українських музикантів на місцевому рівні і по всій Канаді, прогулятися по дисплеїв, дозволяє повернутися в минуле і відкривають нове вдячність за музику і артистів, які створюють його.
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