23 Pine Ridge Crescent

Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6N9


About Us

About Us


The legacy of our music has been passed down to our generation, we must preserve and protect it for future generations.

 The Ukrainian Musicians Association (UMA) was founded as a registered non-profit organization to honour and preserve the music of past and present musicians. UMA's Mandate is to provide information and resources to current active musicians who are interested and committed to promoting and playing traditional Ukrainian music.

Our goal is to ensure that the legacy of out music not only entertains the many Ukrainian music fans that are out there in the public domain, but in the process, we would promote our heritage for generations to come.

 A key component of our goal is the establishment of UMA's Hall of Fame now located at the Selo Fair Grounds in Dauphin Manitoba, site of Canada's Ukrainian Music Festival.

This became possible due to the continued support of many musicians and volunteers who are dedicated to maintaining and preserving our Ukrainian culture through music.

We want to acknowledge the great effort by the original Board of Directors who laid the groundwork to make this happen.

At the outset, it was largely 2 people who got it all started - Nestor Shydlowsky and Pat Krupa.  They had the vision and the determination to make this dream come true.  They were subsequently  joined by Bob Cherewayko,  Valerie Feniuk,  Anne Kolench, Lorna Krystik and Bunny Sklepowich.

It has been said that music is a universal language and anyone from any culture is more than welcome to be present and to participate at our events. Our goal is to ensure that you have a most enjoyable and memorable experience at our events in an atmosphere of friendship and peace.

Ukrainian Musician's Association Board of Directors

 Pamela Nowosad-Federowich


                    Pat Krupa

(Vice President)

Gus Janczyszyn


   Brad Salyn


Ukrainian Musician's Association Executive - Members at Large

          Patricia Andriechuk

Bob Cherewayko

Kevin Hachkowski

Raymond Honeybun

Linda Shydlowsky

Rick Wowk

Dennis Yanchycki

Glen Ambrose

A Message From The Board Of Directors

Bitaemo, The Ukrainian Musicians Association and our Hall of Fame, exists only because of the continued support of musicians and volunteers who are dedicated to maintaining and preserving our Ukrainian culture through music.  Music has been said to be a universal language and this is no more evident than your presence and participation at our events.  With each year and event undertaken by The Ukrainian Musicians Association, our efforts are focused on providing the most enjoyable experience for our guests in an atmosphere of mutual friendship and peace.  It is our hope that you will have a feeling of being a part of any event and in some way have helped contribute and maintain our Ukrainian culture.

Bitaemo, українські Музиканти Асоціація та наш Зал Слави, існує тільки за постійної підтримки музикантів і добровольців, які призначені для збереження та підтримки української культури, через нашу музику. Музика має колишніх людей кажуть, це універсальна мова, і це стає все більш очевидним, ніж про вашій присутності та участь у наших заходах. З кожним роком і події, вжиті українськими музикантами асоціації, наші зусилля спрямовані на забезпечення найбільш приємний досвід для наших гостей в атмосфері взаємної дружби і миру. Ми сподіваємося, що ви будете мати почуття Будучи, крім будь-якого заходу і в деякому роді-допомогли Contribute і підтримувати обслуговування наш українську культуру.

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